Our Campaign
Australia has a housing crisis. Insecure or unaffordable housing leads to homelessness, disruption to childrens' education, and adults having less access to work and training opportunities. For people on low incomes, suitable and affordable housing is virtually non-existent. All levels of government need to act together in a sustained way to address this worsening situation.
The housing affordability crisis is pushing people into homelessness. Domestic and family violence is the leading cause of homelessness for women and children.
A long-term, national approach to housing is urgently needed. In 2018, Baptist Care Australia joined a sector-wide coalition in a major campaign seeking action on our growing housing and homelessness crisis. 'Everybody's Home' brings together community housing, peak bodies and homelessness organisations to call for increased government investment in social and affordable housing. The campaign also advocates for regulatory change to address issues in the private housing market that work against people who need a secure, suitable and affordable place to live.
Read more about these issues and our policy solutions in our position statements on homelessness and secure and suitable housing.